CBD Living Freeze Roll On: How To Get Quick Relief from Back Pain [REVIEW]

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When I threw my back out, I was in a lot of pain. I’d received a CBD travel kit from CBD Living for review and luckily, it included CBD Living Freeze Roll On. I’d never used CBD oil before and was hesitant, but this gave me quick relief from my back pain. If you are looking for a CBD-based product to relief body aches or have been hesitant to try CBD oil, read on to learn about my personal experience with CBD Living Freeze Roll On. It’s an essential product to have on hand at home or when you travel.

(CBD Living Freeze Roll On) Woman in pink shirt holds back in pain
There’s never a good time for a back ache…

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CONTENTS: In this article, you will learn about my experience using CDB Living Freeze Roll On so you can decide if it’s right for you.

My Back Pain Story

I didn’t plan to throw my back out. In fact, it couldn’t have come at a worse time.

You might think I hurt myself moving something too heavy.

But, no.

I simply twisted and leaned the wrong way in an attempt to open a closet door just out of reach.

That’s when it happened. 

I felt the subtle “ping” in my lower back (you know what I’m talking about) and thought to myself, “That’s not good…”

Still, I persisted through an ambitious list of tasks, feeling a little sore, a little sensitive, and walking crooked to offset some rather annoying discomfort. It was achy, but nothing major.

Until the next morning.

When I awoke, I knew I was already done for the day.

I eased myself to the edge of the bed and upon standing, cried out. I was surprised by the sharp pain in my lower back that took my breath away. After all, I consider myself a pretty tough cookie. But this was bad.

In fact, it may have be the one time in my life as a very independent woman that wished to be a man–for the simple act of sitting on the toilet was nearly unbearable. I’ll spare you the details, but suffice it to say, even the simplest of tasks and self-care became next to impossible…and really, really painful.

However, once I was settled in the living room in a comfy chair with back supports (setting that up was a major accomplishment for the day!), I found I could work at my laptop. As long as I just stayed still. I could do little else without feeling pain.

Related: Traveling Pain: 5 Quick Tips for a Pain-Free Vacation

My Reservations About Using CBD Oil for Pain

I tried some Advil and it really didn’t help much.

Then I remembered I received a CBD Living Waters Travel Bundle a few months back for review. (From time to time, I receive free products to review on Enjoy Travel Life. I hadn’t gotten to reviewing this because, well, travel has been on hold in the US due to the pandemic.)

It’s worth noting that I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis, which, for the most part has been under control for the last 10+ years without using pharmaceuticals. Anyone who knows me knows that with the exception of a few Advil, I prefer an all-natural, homeopathic approach to whatever ails me.

So when everyone started saying “CBD Oil,” you’d think I would have jumped on the band-wagon.

But, even at that, I was hesitant to try CBD oil. Even though a good friend uses CBD Oil for her own ailments and has urged me to try CBD for several years now, and I’ve always begged off.

Here’s why:

As a single mom and “solopreneur,” I have a long list of tasks to accomplish each day. I feared CBD oil would interfere with my ambition and motivation. After all, not to be a prude, but I have too much to get done to be “high.”

If you’ve gotten this far and don’t know what CBD is, I’ll tell you. CBD is the medical abbreviation for cannabidiol, which is the oil extracted from the Cannibis plant. Marijuana, “pot,” “weed,” “Mary Jane” are all derived from the Cannibis plant. Recent research has shown that CBD has some curative properties.

And while everyone says there is no THC (which is the ingredient in pot that gets you high), I’ve always been skeptical.

Until now.

This time was different. 

I was in pain. 

I wasn’t going to get anything done…certainly not feeling this pain, anyway.

This was the first time I would try CBD for pain.

What’s Included in the CBD Living Travel Bundle?

When I reached for the CBD Living Freeze Travel Bundle, I sorted through the contents. At the time of publication, the kit retails for $54 and contains a variety of travel-sized CBD products, including:

  • Spray Tincture
  • Freeze Roll-On
  • Unscented Lotion
  • Travel Salve
  • Travel Cherry Lip Balm
  • Unflavored Lip Balm

If you’re traveling by air, you’ll find that each of these products is sized right for TSA approval. It’s easy to see that this bundle would fit nicely in your carry-on luggage and perfect for a road trip, too. In fact, you could even toss it in your purse for everyday use.

Of the different products I scanned, the CBD Living Travel Freeze looked like the right product to try.

I was ready to try anything for relief!

What It’s Like Using CBD Living Freeze Roll On

The compact CBD Living Freeze Roll On container reminded me of “Ban” deodorant.

It’s a Broad-Spectrum Nano CBD. Broad Spectrum means it contains cannabidiol and all other compounds within the cannibis plant except the THC (the part that gets you “high.”) Nano means “extremely small” molecules, which are said to be easier to absorb.

I gave the bottle a good shake to distribute the liquid to the roller ball and applied it to my lower back.

CBD Living Freeze Roll On (travel size)
CBD Living Freeze Roll On, a cold therapy roll on
(travel size shown)

Hereโ€™s what happened.

First, it was really cold against my skin, even though I had stored it at room temperature. That was a bit of a shocker!

(I guess that’s why they call it “Freeze.” Duh!)

As I rolled it along my back, the cold felt really good. I think my back was super hot from the pain. I’ve heard that when you have a muscle pain, the body sends blood to the region to help heal the area. Well, my back was flaming hot!

So when I applied the Freeze, it was immediate a relief.

Then, I noticed it had a fresh, invigorating scent but it was not overpowering like I remember Icy-Hot or BenGay to be. (My ex-husband used that stuff all the time. Ugh.)

This scent was subtle, pleasant, minty. That’s because it has eucalyptus menthol in the ingredients.

I don’t know if my muscles were in spasm or just especially tight (is there a difference?), but I know that anxiety worsened my discomfort. I’m not normally one to feel anxious, but under the circumstances, I clenched my back and braced for pain with every move.

After applying CBD Living Freeze, I felt a gentle sense of relaxation. The CBD oil applied topically must have helped loosen the muscles in my back that were tweaking. Iโ€™ve heard CBD oil relieves anxiety, too, so maybe it put my mind at ease, too, helping me unclench.

I was afraid the roll-on was going to get all over the back of my shirt and worse, get on my furniture. (Do you remember flapping your arms help wet roll-on deodorant dry faster?)

Good news! Even though I rolled on a pretty good amount of product, it air dried fast; almost in an instant. No flapping required.

Next, I felt a deep, warm sensation seep into the tissue where I applied the CBD Living Freeze Roll On. Apparently, CBD Living has a proprietary technology that allows better penetration of the skin’s layers, and stays on the skin longer as well. It was almost like a mini-massage, and it felt awesome!

What Did Not Happen (!)

I did not feel high.

Or lose motivation.

Or smell like a skunk.


How CBD Living Freeze Roll On Helped Me Heal

I am not kidding you when I say I felt immediate pain relief using CBD Living Freeze Roll On.

It became my best friend for the next few days, and I carried it around the house from my chair, to bed and back.

I’m not saying all of a sudden my back injury was healedโ€”it was not.

In fact, I continued to move about slowly, crooked, and wincing occasionally for several days before this injury was fully healed. 

I combined the CBD Living Freeze Roll On treatment with alternating doses of Aleeve and Tylenol PM to help reduce inflammation. I knew injuries like this one took a few days to heal and a certain degree of patience was in order.

But it was the CBD Living Freeze Roll On, applied topically and liberally, that made it tolerable for me.

I used it several times throughout the day without any concern that I would be taking too much, as I do worry about with the OTC meds.

Now, I am a firm believer in the power of CBD Oil!

Final Thoughts on CBD Living Freeze Roll On For Travel

Now, I’m not suggesting that if you hurt your back, you shouldn’t seek medical attention.

Please do. 

I am not a medical professional, by any means.

But I’m sharing my experience with you because maybe it will help you one day. In my personal experience, using CBD Living Freeze Roll On when I hurt my back really made this injury more bearable. In combination with over-the-counter drugs, it relieved my discomfort almost instantly. Next time, I might even forgo the anti-inflammatory drugs.

I’m also looking forward to trying CBD in other ways to relieve muscle tension, such as putting CBD in the bathtub.

Although I have no immediate plans for air travel (although the airfare deals are amazing!), I do have several road trips on my radar. You can be sure I will be bringing this CBD Living Freeze Roll On with me…just in case I have a relapse while traveling, or do something that unexpectedly hurts my back back again.

It comes in the handy travel size that fits in

Have you considered using CBD oil for aches and pains? Why or why not? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

CBD Living Freeze Review | Enjoy Travel Life
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