There are several things a travel-lover can do to ensure that her garden stays happy while she’s away. One of them is xeriscaping. This garden design technique relies in part on selecting drought resistant perennials and other plants that require infrequent watering.
Read on to learn which plants will resist wilting (or worse, dying) in dry spells or while you’re off having fun on vacation. Your garden will look so good, your neighbors won’t even realize you’re away.
Editor’s Note: This article was updated in July 2023 to keep the information fresh and current.

CONTENTS: In this article, you will learn about Xeriscaping and how you can incorporate drought-tolerant plants into your garden.
- What is Xeriscaping?
- Which Drought Resistant Perennials for Dry, Sunny Locations?
- Yarrow
- Blanket Flower
- Russian Sage
- Coreopsis
- Daylily
- Stonecrop
- Other Drought-Tolerant Perennials for Sun
- Which Drought Resistant Perennials for Dry, Shady Locations?
- Bugleweed
- Lily-of-the-Valley
- Periwinkle
- Bergenia
- Which Annuals are Drought-Tolerant?
- Moss Rose
- Dianthus
- Drought-Tolerant Trees and Shrubs
- Smoke Tree
- Scarlet Firethorn
- Cinquefoil (Potentilla)
- Other Drought-Tolerant Shrubs
- The Most Important Thing to Know About Drought Resistant Plants
- Planting Tips for Drought Resistant Perennials
- Final Thoughts
- Resources
What is Xeriscaping?
Xeriscaping is a term based on the Greek word xeros, meaning โdry.โ It is a garden designing technique in which any plants rely largely on natural rainfall rather than heavy irrigation.
It’s especially popular in the Southwestern US which experiences severe drought and desert conditions. Not only is xeriscaping design an ecologically responsible choice, it also frees up a gardener to travel or enjoy other activities.
7 Principles of Xeriscaping
There are seven principles of low-water garden design you should be aware of:
- Planning and Design
- Soil Improvement
- Limited Turf Area
- Efficient Irrigation
- Mulching
- Low Water-Use Plants
- Low Maintenance
It may sound complicated, but incorporating drought tolerant plants will actually save you time, money, and of course, water!
The following are some of the best low water-use plants for you to consider in your own landscape. They includes drought resistant perennials, annuals, ground covers, shrubs, and trees.
Note: Because my home base is in Boston (USDA Zone 5), you’ll find the varieties that follow are ones I have in my own garden. They also work within a range of other USDA Plant Hardiness Zones.
Choosing Perennials for Dry Sunny Locations
Youโll find plenty of drought resistant perennials well-suited to sunny locations. I recommend incorporating a few (or even all) of these perennial plants into your garden to lower watering requirements. You’ll save money on your water bill and still enjoy colorful blooms in the summer months. Some have the extra bonus of making a great cut flower, too!
And it goes without saying that It makes good sense from an ecological standpoint, too, given climate change.
Here is a short list of drought-tolerant perennials you can rely on to look their best, despite dry conditions and summer heat.
1. Yarrow
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ3 to 9

The Yarrow (Achillea) species has flat flower heads comprised of many tiny flowers atop two- to three-foot stems and ferny foliage. Yarrow makes a great impression in big swaths. Not only is it drought-tolerant, but it’s also deer resistant.
This native perennial of North America, Europe and Asia is carefree and white.
Youโll find the Achillea millefolium naturally thriving in fields, meadows, and roadsides. Garden cultivars bloom in bright shades of yellow, gold, white, pink, and red. Beneficial bugs love carefree Yarrow.
No doubt you will, too!
2. Blanket Flowers
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ3 to 9

Another drought-tolerant perennial for sun is Blanket flower (Gaillardia x grandiflora). Its multi-colored, daisy-like blooms seems to thrive upon neglect, blooming in early summer to late summer.
Youโll find even a single blossom is quite colorful, having concentric bands of color in red, yellow, orange, and maroon, depending on variety.
Butterflies love these nectar-rich, vibrant flowers, which retain their brilliance through much of the summer.
Can you blame them?
3. Russian Sage
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ5 to 9
Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) grows 3- to 5-feet tall with long branches and sprays of tiny blue flowers. It’s airy gray-green foliage adds to its visual appeal.
These beauties thrive in poor soil and can tolerate temperature extremes in the high-desert.
In fact, itโs among the most drought-tolerant perennials. It adds soft flower spikes of color to complement any landscape design.
4. Coreopsis
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ4 to 9 (depending on cultivar)

Tickseed (Coreopsis lanceolata) is a drought-tolerant favorite. That’s because of its extensive bloom time–almost 3 months. (Imagine, you could travel all summer without a care!)
Better yet, they’re one of the easiest perennials to grow in your garden beds.
Usually, the flowers of this beautiful plant are different shades of yellow. For instance, the โMoonbeamโ variety (C. verticillata) has 1-inch, butter yellow, daisy-like flowers. It grows in a mound thatโs about a foot-and-a-half high.
โSunburstโ (C. grandiflora) are fluffy, gold, and fringed.
You’ll find lots of Coreopsis varieties to choose from at the nursery. None will disappoint.
5. Daylily
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ4 to 9

Daylilies (Hemerocallis) adapt to almost any situation, including drought. As their common name implies, they bloom with multiple trumpet-like flowers that open in succession each day.
Traditionally, Daylilies have orange flowers at the top of their long stems. Gardeners sometimes common variety “ditch lilies” because they are so easy to cultivate. They tolerate less than ideal conditions, even sandy soil and partial shade.
But they are not limited to orange flowers. Youโll find varieties showcasing all different colors–except pure white and blue. Some even have brilliant red flowers – that’s a real showstopper you can plant along a rock wall in part shade or in full sun.
They look best planted in long stretches or toward the rear of perennials beds, where they sprout tall flowering stalks. Another incentive to add Daylilies to your garden is that they multiply well, year-after-year, and are relatively pest-free. Once established, they are a reliable drought-resistant perennial that will bloom and multiply for year.
They are edible, too. Several asian specialties feature daylily flowers in the dish. You can also add them to your salad. Humans and dogs can safely consume all parts of the daylily, but they are not safe for cats to eat.
6. Stonecrop
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ4 to 9

Stonecrop (Sedum) is an excellent choice when considering drought-tolerant options.
The creeping variety, like the whirled, drought tolerant ground cover sedum humifusum, blossoms in June with cheery yellow star-shaped flowers.
The upright variety, like the Sedum โAutumn Joy,โ develops taller showy flower heads with pink flowers. You’ll enjoy seeing the crown turn from green to pink to red to brown as the season progresses. And the succulent gray-green leaves add a nice textural element to the flower garden. This is one of the drought resistant perennials that belongs in every garden.
Even the dried seed heads add structure to the winter garden, if left intact.
Other Sun-Loving, Drought Resistant Perennials You Might Consider

You may want to consider these other excellent perennial choices for drought-tolerance in sunny locations, too:
- 7. Aster (Asteraceae)
- 8. Lavender (Lavandula)
- 9. Blazing Star (Liatris)
- 10. Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
- 11. Black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia)
- 12. Globe Thistle (Echinops)
- 13. Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa)
Lavender preserves beautifully, offering its relaxing fragrance long after it has bloomed. It’s no wonder these fragrant flowers are such a favorite in the herb garden! Read more about how to preserve and store herbs here.
5 Drought Tolerant Plants for Shade
Shady spots present more of a challenge during dry spells. You can look to these ground covers that provide the staying power to keep the garden interesting while youโre away.
Here are some other drought resistant perennials for shade.
1. Bugleweed
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ4 to 11
Bugleweed (ajuga reptans) produces 6-inch spiky purple flowers that emerge from scalloped foliage in mid to late spring.
This evergreen ground cover spreads by runner to create a dense mat of foliage that turns shades of burgundy in Fall.
It’s a great choice for a dry garden, and really couldn’t be any more carefree. It will multiply, so you’ll want to keep it in check.
2. Lily-of-the-Valley
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ2 to 9

Lily-of-the-Valley (convallaria majalis) perfumes the air in Spring. Despite the delicate nodding stems of cupped flowers, itโs surprisingly tough.
This old-fashioned garden favorite typically flowers in white. But you can also find this drought-tolerant beauty with soft pink cups. Lily-of-the-Valley also have a rather long bloom period, for 3-4 weeks in early- to mid-spring. Once their intoxicating bloom comes to an end, Lily-of-the-Valley provides a dense green layer of foliage to sustain its value.
Plus, a handful of flower sprigs make a lovely scented bouquet!
3. Periwinkle (Creeping Myrtle, Dwarf Myrtle)
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ4 to 9

Creeping Myrtle (vinca minor) also does well in dry shade, with its glossy, forest green, almond-shaped foliage. In early spring, it dons a beautiful sprinkling of 1-inch purple stars in blue or white.
Myrtle is a tenacious drought tolerant ground cover that will grow in the most unwelcoming spaces. In fact, it may even crowd out more delicate perennials, given the chance.
Itโs a reliable, drought-tolerant option that takes root where few others would survive. It’s a perfect solution to the deep, dry shade under at the food of a swamp maple tree.
4. Bergenia
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ3 to 8

Heartleaf Bergenia (Bergenia cordifolia) has leathery evergreen (heart-shaped) leaves. From them, arise ยฝ-inch white or pink bell-shaped flowers above 2-foot stocks in late spring.
This lovely plant is known for its incredible hardiness and vigor. So, a little drought and dry soil hardly present an issue for this beautiful perennial.
5. Ornamental Grasses in Light Shade
Another good option for shade are ornamental grasses. Most, such as Blue Fescue, prefer a sunny spot. But you can look to a few ornamental grasses, like Luzula nivea, Hakonechloa, Anemanthele and Deschampsia that will do well in light shade without much water.
Adding Lasting Color with Drought-Tolerant Annuals
Compliment a transient perennial display with the long-lasting color and blooms of drought tolerant annuals.
You can pick from a number of alternatives to the high-maintenance โold standbys,โ which tend to wither at the first sign of neglect.
1. Moss Rose
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ2 to 11 (Annual)

Succulent Moss Rose (Portulaca) has needle-like foliage and dainty 1-inch rosettes blooms in mixed vibrant colors. You’ll find them blooming white, yellow, pink, red, and magenta.
These beautiful flowers are a perfect drought-tolerant option for your window boxes and in the rock garden. Their succulent leaves indicate that they can better tolerate dry summers. They also make a great accent in the front of other drought-tolerant flowers in your perennial beds.
You will be pleased with their on-going performance!
2. Dianthus (โPinksโ)
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ3 to 9 (Annual)

A border of annual dianthus, with gray green foliage and brilliant one-inch fringed flowers are like mini-carnations. The shallow-rooted but hearty plants are also known as โpinks.โ
They blossom in shades of white, pink, and red and. Youโll find they can really can take the heat! Plus, they make a great border plant.
3. Shade Tolerant, Low-Water Plants
To compliment your drought tolerant flowering annuals, mix in some sweet potato vines, which can tolerate high heat and periods of drought. You’ll want to make sure they have enough water to thrive, but will have peace of mind if you are out of town or simply want to use less water.
Choosing Drought Tolerant Shrubs and Trees
Donโt overlook these 7 drought-tolerant trees and shrubs when adding structural interest to the garden that supports your travel lifestyle.
1. Smoke Tree
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ4 to 8
You might consider an โunusualโ addition to your landscape, such as the Smoke Tree (cotinus coggygria).
Another drought-tolerant option, this tree displays puffs of burgundy โsmoke.” Smoke Trees add texture in the form of fuzzy hairs as its flowers fade.
You might also appreciate its peak seasonal appeal of striking yellow or orange-red foliage in autumn.
2. Scarlet Firethorn
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ6 to 9 (depending on cultivar)

Scarlet Firethorn (Pyracantha) grows to 15 feet and offers a profusion of small white flowers in spring. That’s followed by brilliant pea-sized orange-red berries in early fall, as the fruit matures.
This drought-tolerant, care-free evergreen shrub looks good throughout multiple seasons. Of course, it’s especially popular with birds, too.
3. Wintercreeper
USDA Hardiness Zonesโ: โ4 to 9
Looking for something to provide landscape interest year round?
Wintercreeper (euonymus fortunei) is an evergreen with stiff, sometimes variegated almond-shaped 1-inch leaves upon woody branches. Varieties range in stature from ground cover to shrub.
All are drought-tolerant.
4. Selecting Other Drought Tolerant Shrubs

Other drought-tolerant shrubs you might want to look into include:
- 5. Cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa)
- 6. Honeysuckle (genus Lonicera)
- 7. Blue Rug Juniper (Juniperus horizontalis)
The Most Important Thing About Drought Resistant Perennials: The First Year
Even though these drought resistant perennials and plants can withstand drought conditions, you will need to sufficiently water them in the first year. That way, they establish a strong root system.
So, if more traveling is in your future, now is a perfect time to establish a garden that will do well without coddling.

Planting Tips for Drought Resistant Perennials
Here are a few tricks to start your plants off right:
- Amend soil with a compost, aged manure, or other soil additives to enhance its nutritive value.
- Add natural or synthetic soil polymers, such as Tarawetยฎ or Soil Moistยฎ crystals. These absorb and hold excess water until it’s needed by the plant roots.
- Plant a wet clump of long-fibered sphagnum moss right in the planting hole. The moss also holds water.
- Give new plantings special attention to make sure they don’t dry out during that critical first year. This will establish a strong root system and a healthy plant that can resist pests and disease.
Final Thoughts on Drought Resistant Perennials
Whether you design an entire landscape around drought tolerance or simply have hopes of your beautiful garden thriving while youโre off on a weekend road trip, you can breathe a sigh of relief.
By adding these varieties to your garden, you can travel without worrying too much about watering.
From the scorching temperatures in dry climates to unpredictably hot summers in your New England rock gardens, incorporating these plants in your flower beds is a great way to handle a dry spell. A little water can go a long way, and provide you with a variety of colors to responsibly beautify your landscape.
Who knows, it may even come to rival the world’s best botanical gardens!
Do you have any of these drought-resistant plants in your garden? Will you add some?
Related Article: Easy Steps to Plan a Successful Vegetable Garden.

About Jackie Gately, editor-IN-CHIEF
I'm Jackie Gately, your travel confidante and the creative force behind Enjoy Travel Life, awarded the "Best Casual-Luxury Lifestyle Blog (USA)" in Travel and Tourism by LUXlife Magazine for four consecutive years. With 25 years of published expertise, I'm a seasoned writer, editor, and photographer curating inspiring travel guides and lifestyle tips for empty nesters. I hope to kindle your spirit of exploration, encouraging you to overcome obstacles and turn your dreams into reality. Learn to minimize your pre-travel angst and maximize the joy of exploration with insights from my experiences. Let's make every adventure a celebration of this exciting phase of life! Follow my social channels for more inspiration.
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This article is may contain affiliate links. As always, all opinions expressed are my own. For more information, please see the following Disclosure. It originally appeared in print in The Country Gazette newspaper titled, โDrought Tolerant Plants Make Good Senseโ by Jackie Gately.
Your article is quite helpful! I have so many questions, and you have answered many. Thank you! Such a nice and superb article, we have been looking for this information about drought resistant perennials.
I’m glad you found what you were looking for here!
As people who are always out on the road, we too faced this issue. Though we do not have a big garden, the plants that we had in our balcony bore the brunt of our travels. Slowly we shifted to plants like Cactus which required very less water. The best part is some of the cactus and other plants surprise you with blooming flowers periodically. Of course, we were not aware of the term Xeriscaping! But this post is really informative and will help us in planning our Xeriscaping in a scientific manner, rather than by trial and error.
I love cacti but only grow them indoors in my hardiness zone. I bet your garden is lovely! Funny, you were on trend and didn’t even know it had a name! I’m glad you learned something new here, if only a term.
My husband jokes that I mustn’t book travel at certain times of year because of the gardening, though he’s mostly joking. But at key times of year, we do find it’s worth being home to water the fruit and vegetable plants in particular, and to harvest the gluts. But for the rest, the ornamentals, I agree that it’s best to plant things that are suited to your climate, and that can thrive without care and attention, whether you are home or away. Really good to learn more about xeriscaping, I hadn’t come across the term before, though I’ve come across the concept. And I love your plant recos!
So, you know this all too well, Kavita! I’m glad you are able to schedule in some vacation time around the garden. LOL. I’d love to know whether you add any of my plant recommendations to your ornamentals and how they work out for you!
We have a total water ban this summer. Maybe next year I can get ahead of the curve by planting some of these drought-resistant plants. I’ve had Portulaca before (and didn’t manage to kill it) but the Blanket Flower also looks lovely. Thanks for these recommendations!
You’re welcome, Jenna! Portulaca is a good one–the flowers are so delicate, almost like roses, but it’s really hardy! And Blanket Flower is pretty care-free, once established. I hope these options help keep your garden in bloom next year!
I love this idea! As a frequent traveler I know I am always worried about my plants while I’m away. It is hard to rely on a family member or a neighbor to take care of plants. With these ideas I wouldn’t have to worry anymore. I’ll have to grab one or two of these and give it a try.
Exactly, Tiffany! If you do try some of these drought-tolerant varieties, I’d love to hear how it works out!
Blanket flowers look like mini sunflowers! Here in Kansas City, one of my favorite perennials is the purple coneflower. I’m not sure if they’re technically drought-resistant, or not, but I rarely water them letting Mother Nature dole out as much rain as she sees fit each season.
Aren’t Blanket Flowers pretty? I love Purple Coneflowers, too. With their deep tap root, it’s no wonder they are doing well. They’re a great flower for drought, too!